Sunday, September 04, 2005

News of some friends

You still can't complete a cell call to anyone in area code 504, although they can call out to you. Text messaging works well. Send your friends text messages and they can call you back.

That's how I contacted Harby and Eric.

I caught Harby Friday, heading South through Tennessee with his wife Cathy and their two boys. When Katrina hit Cathy already was in Pennsylvania, escorting their girl Megan to college. Sunday, Frank and the boys drove to Baton Rouge and got the last plane to Philadelphia. Thinking Katrina to be just another hurricane, 0nly more so, Harb put out a mess of cat food on the second floor, and a lot of water, sure they would come back in a week or so and find their 20 year old cat well enough, if maybe a little shellshocked.

Now the family is headed to Houston. But Harb intends to rescue the cat. He plans to pick up his car in Baton Rouge and drive on in to N.O. and get the cat. Two days ago I thought that idea was cracked, but now I think it can happen. I've looked at the aerials of their neighborhood on Google Earth, and it's not dry, but it's close to some dry areas, so you can get to it if you have some waders, and a car can probably make it al the way . I haven't actually heard anyone say the authorities have set up road blocks, but even if, Harb works for the power company and can probably get past using his card.

If you have to get into the city, but are blocked, my guess is that the one sure way in is the river. Not River Road. The river. Get a small motorboat and putt down the river from Norco or somewhere. Take out near your neighborhood. Walk three miles. Get the cat. Walk back. Putt upriver again to your car.

Eric has a different story. He and his family translated to Lafayette and their lives are unbroken. Their River Ridge house is not under water though that is not to say there is no damage -- they just don't know. Nevertheless all infrastructure, particularly schools, are shut. Their schools won't open till January at earliest. So Eric is working out of his company's Lafayette office and a colleague there offered them a house. They enrolled the kids in school there for the semester at least. It's almost like they haven't skipped a beat.


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